Projekt Wolfenstahl

Friday, May 25, 2018

Team expansion and survey

I figured I'd let you all know that we expanded our team this month.
We mainly did this using our own funds (more detailed news over on Patreon).
Boxman supports us as pixel artist, while Zhuan is responsible for writing and Regris takes care of marketing and PR.

To start this off, here's a first message from Regris:

Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you all, this is Regris and I'm taking a position with PR/Marketing to  help with Projekt Wolfenstahl, and more importantly, Wolf and Cres' workloads.

So if you all have a bit of time, could you please spend a couple of minutes on the survey below? We do not intend to make any individual person's results public, but I do want to talk about the results in a general scope afterwards.

Once again, it's great to be working with all of you!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Deathblight RPG progress update

I figured a new progress update on the Blog would be due!

We've been a bit slower than usual in april, due to Cres having a foot surgery.
(no worries, everything went well)
But we're back to full work speed now!

We finished another CG, facial expression changes are still missing though.
The Minigame for Ferania's bouncer job is roughly 95% done.
Graphics are still missing for it, but we'll get there.

We also expanded our team this month.
But I'll spare the details for another blogpost.

For more (and more detailed) progress updates, check out our Patreon!