Projekt Wolfenstahl

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ferania Pixel

Instead of bothering you guys and girls with a long boring text about game mechanics, I thought it would be better to skip that and rather show some stuff once in a while.
We aimed to start the "real work" next week, but Cres already managed to finish some of Feranias sprite graphics.

Well, other than that, there's not really anything important or interesting I could write about at the moment.

So, see ya next week!


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  2. Yo! -ich-
    Does the game going to play and look like Paperheads? / same game mechanics?: 2D, Sprites, Grab&Tap-Style-play (Grab-System), CG, Game-Text, Game-Sound, Char-sounds (Voice Acting). + maybe something new!?

    Thank You! For Paperheads -Game.

    You should put the New-furry-game-project info on: to get more support for the game! And maybe some DLC-Pledge Rewards for new Game-Character's like (Catheline,Chiira,Stella,Ivalaine or Verdani from Paperheads + that chick next to Ferania on you're blog- "header" to be playable in the game!?.

    The Mogi:Origins (Ero 2D Platformer) is doing good.

    You're Fan: Ice

    1. The game will be different from Paperheads in many ways.
      Yes, it will have 2D sprites, there will be grabbing with a different system, higher quality CG, but no game-text.
      And yes there will be sound and voice acting.

      We are thinking about the possibility to use offbeatr for additional characters later on.

      Thank you very much for your support!

  3. Welcome back. Sprite looks good.

    1. Thanks ^^
      The real work starts today, so hopefully I get to show more stuff very soon.
