Thursday, January 15, 2015

Current status report

RL issues have been sorted out so far.
This month will be very commission heavy, but we'll also work on games as much as possible.

That being said, I decided on releasing the "test game" I've been working on to the public sooner or later. This is because it will need some time until we get the Sion and Medusa game working.
By "some time" I mean, it will certainly take longer than january, probably longer than february...
(can't say how much longer, but we certainly won't make any progress on it this month)

Why the "test game" then?
Well, the test game consist out of a lot of placeholder graphics and stuff.
But it has a decent amount of hentai sketches.
It's clearly nothing polished, but it should be fun to some people.
Also, I experimented a lot with the combat system, some other form of dealing with being "grabbed" etc. etc.
It's highly experimental, and sketchy... but it's still a game.
It was never meant to become a full game though, so keep that in mind.
If I release this, it's like... some sort of "present", you could say.
(obviously, this "test game" won't be sold, as it's far away from being a fleshed out game)

Time consumption wise, this game was a lot of programming work so far.
But it helped me to learn a couple new things.
Graphically it consumed nearly no time at all.
(maybe a weeks worth of work? probably a bit more than that, but nothing major)

I decided on doing things this way, since I get the feeling that we need to deliver some new game (whatever game) in order to make this whole blog more interesting again.
Also, you could say it's a way to give something back to all the people that supported us thus far.
Thank you very much!

And yes, that being said, I think we'll give the test game to our Patrons on Patreon first.
It's a natural thing to do since they support us quite a lot.
After a while, we'll release the test game on the blog as well.
At least that's the idea so far, and probably this is the best possible solution, giving the fact that we won't be able to make much progress on the Sion and Medusa game this month.

I'll write about this a bit more detailed in the upcoming days.
Or probably next week or something.
Just thought I'd make a small update and tell you about the stuff I decided on.


  1. Hi, I hope things are getting better! Well, the *test game* thing looks interesting, but the blog is interesting even without it (doesn't mean I am not looking forward to try it). At least for me anyway. Good luck and I will keep my fingers crossed

  2. Thank you very much ^^
    Everything is okay now, got everything under control.
    I even managed to make some progress on the programming I wanted to take care of for a while now.
    (well, because of all the things that happened I wasn't able to focus on it)

    Thank you very much!

    1. I am glad you have sorted RL issues out! It looks like a bad times for H-games developers, cheshireCat from your Links seems to be in a real trouble.

      Anyway, it sounded great when you mentioned you have your characters as a desktop wallpaper, maybe I will give it a try too :D (or maybe just my favourite one atm - Shiwa)

    2. Yeah, several hentai game developers face tough times recently.
      I think Kyrieru is also struggling with health problems and stuff.
      cheshireCat is currently working with some other guys on a hentai game, so I hope the very best for them!
      (looks like their new Patreon is going really smoothly already, so that's a good sign, fingers crossed)

      I usually have our own characters as background all the time.
      For around a year I had "Kuraiko" (a ninja wolfgirl) as background.
      She should be an "unknown" character right now, but I had something on my mind, so probably very soon she will appear somewhere.
      And right now it's the picture with the 6 main heroines of the webcomic.
      (Chiira, Minori, Ferania, Claire, Aurora and Catheline)

      I'm not sure if there is a desktop-wallpaper compatible artwork of Shiwa?
      Well, sooner or later there will surely be one ^^

  3. Alas, there is only the picture in Shiwa's description on DB character list, but it is better than nothing. It would be cool to make other wallpapers (other than the one you mentioned, with teams Wolfenstahl and Schwarzfels - although it is awesome!), with different characters. Maybe it could be a milestone goal on Patreon or something?

    1. Originally we wanted to do stuff like this once in a while ^^
      (no promises though!)
      I figured we shouldn't "promise" too much stuff on Patreon, and rather stay flexible.

      At least that's the thought.
      (I definitelly want to add more "wallpapers" (non hentai) once in a while, so people can use it safely as desktop wallpapers)
