Hello everyone, welcome to this months progress report for Deathblight Jormungandr! ^^
First things first, if you'd like to support Deathblight Jormungandr, please join our game-dev Subscribestar: https://subscribestar.adult/projekt-wolfenstahl
Now to the actual report:
Originally my plan was to simply map the southern "Cursed Forest" and place goblins as well as a swamp monster enemy type into this area.
Pretty much similar to the northern area that is already playable in the publicly available demo version.
After some consideration, I did think of an idea I had for future game projects and I decided to implement a "light" version of this for Loki.
("light" in the sense that the mechanics are not super deep and I'm trying the concept out for the first time, not including all the ideas and mechanics I thought of for potential future implementations in future games)
Namely an enemy that acts in a "stalker-type enemy" capacity.
What this means is that the new enemy type isn't placed on the map like the goblins are.
Instead, as you traverse the Cursed Forest, likely losing your way in the maze-type setup of this area, from time to time, you get chased by the stalker-type enemy.
This puts a bit more urgency on finding the right path, as periodically you get chased around the woods by this type of foe that is more difficult to get rid of than the average goblin.
You can either retreat to the village to "reset" the enemy spawning in.
Or you can fight them off in a battle to despawn them until they return, albeit this is risky.
Once reset, the cycle begins anew.
Coming up with ways to implement this and trial-and-erroring my way through RPG Maker's engine to try and make this feel as best as possible took some time, but I think the current implementation works.
Map is work in progress and kept to the "functional bits" (so no decorations currently) as I need to rework the maps back and forth to reduce the chances of the enemy getting stuck.
Other than that, the new goblin archetype, the Trapper Goblin, is added to the new Cursed Forest area.
While the coding for this area should be mostly done, the three things I still need to take care of is:
1. Writing of CG scenes
2. More maps
3. Writing dialogue
And testing of course, a lot of testing.
Implementing the swamp monster as stalker-type enemy definitely cost me about 2 weeks (as I had to plan and trial-and-error and adjust some things until it felt good), but I hope this helps with making the new area feel better and it's not just another enemy that "sits" on the map idly.
Even if future added enemies in new areas will be basically that.
It's just that I felt the Cursed Woods needed something like this, so here we are.
Anyways this is it for this progress report.
If there's any questions, you can ask in the comments or on our Discord:
See you next time ^^
I'm happy to see you guys working on another game.