Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fixed version: Paperheads 20121202 trial ver0.9b

I'm surprised myself that I had the time to fix it this fast.
I fixed the issue with the loading system, the game should work now for everyone.
(I simply deleted it and replaced it)

In case the game has problems, place it in a folder like "C:\Paperheads".
Don't use special characters or spaces in the folder name.

Here is the download link:
[Paperheads 20121202 trial ver0.9b]

Thanks again for all the feedback!

I also talked to the team regarding the CG-scenes text.
As some of you noticed, we removed a lot of the text from the game.
(maybe some of you remember the poll/vote about this matter)

So far all the texts had been written by me, but I'm currently pretty busy with school, other real life stuff, as well as programming, managing the blog (yeah I still do it myself), and doing several other things. Unfortunately I can't manage to bring up more time, and the rest of the team is also pretty busy.

We also want to pull this off as fast as possible, since we're already working way too long on this game. So even if someone else would write the text, we still need to implement it into the game, translate it, etc.
(unfortunately, this is not really an option, since all those actions would cost us extra-time, for reference, please read the older blogpost regarding the poll/vote)

The good news is:
We are currently doing our best to finish the game this year, if possible.
All that's left to do is the last 2 bosses, as well as the 3rd stage and a bunch of CG's.
(yup, obviously, we didn't implement everything we worked on into the current trial version)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Paperheads 20121201 trial ver0.9

Well, finally it's here, one of the last demo/trial versions before the complete release of the full game.
It contains the complete 1st stage of the game.

You can download it here:
[Paperheads 20121201 trial ver0.9]

If you've played any of the old versions you'll notice considerable changes.
(especially to the overall difficulty and difficulty of the grab-system)
In case you think the game is too easy now, feel free to switch the difficulty in the options menu.

The ingame tutorial works now too.
Please read it if you need help with the game.
(it's short and it has screenshots)

Have fun playing the game!
And please give us some feedback, especially regarding the boss-battle.
